• Erasmus+ 2019 in English



          Development Of The Professional Competencies in Services and Crafts II.



            The project called “Development of The Professional Competencies in Services and Crafts II.” is designed for 18 students of The Secondary Comprehensive School Techniques and Services in Brezno. The students study in the apprenticeship fields of innkeeper and shop-assistant, and in the study fields of catering, computer mechanic, and engineering. The project is focused on students developing their professional, linguistic, cultural-social skills, and competencies in the vocational training in the sphere of techniques and services, and equally the project is focused on teachers obtaining new experiences and improving their professional skills.

          The internship has taken place in two countries and in three partner organizations so far.

          In the Czech Republic:

          The Secondary School of Hotel Services And Gastronomy in Prague organized four-week internships for four students of the gastronomy field (waiter - cook) in the hotel Step in Prague and 2 students (shop-assistant) worked in the supermarket-grocery Billa in Prague


          The Secondary Technical School in Ústí nad Labem arranged second time three-week mobility for 6 students of the technical fields who worked in the engineering company Kolbenschmidt and in the firm Tetanet.

          In Northern Ireland, The North West Academy of English in Londonderry secured nearly four-week internship for 6 students. One student of the engineering industry carried out practice in engineering firm GES. One student of ITC worked in a new developing company. Four students of gastronomy fields worked in restaurants as assistant cooks and waitress.

          The main aim of the project is, to acquire new professional skills and personality growth for participants in order to improve opportunities to make them useful in the domestic and European labour market. Additionally, teachers will receive new experiences, skills for secondary technical schooling and with that they will improve the quality of professional education at our school.

          The participants made presentations about their internships, operations, work contents and activities in their free time. After completing the internship, the participants of the project got Europass-Mobility and the certificates, and it will be a big help in their professional growth.


          This internship also has been planned for seven teachers of technical fields with our partner The North West Academy of English in North Ireland at beginning July 2020 but we are not sure if this part of project will be completed because of situation (covid-19) in Slovakia and in the world.







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    • Kontakty

      • Stredná odborná škola techniky a služieb, Brezno
      • oficiálny email školy: sostasbr@sostasbr.sk, sekretariat@sostasbr.sk
      • Spojovateľka: +421 48 630 40 22
        Sekretariát školy:
        +421 48 630 40 15, mobil +421 949 006 841
      • Adresa školy: Laskomerského 3, 977 46 Brezno
        977 46 Brezno
      • IČO: 423 176 57
      • DIČ: 2024 1293 71
      • Riaditeľka školy: PaedDr. Danka Kubušová, mail: danka.kubusova@sostasbr.sk, mobil: 0917 275 878
      • Zástupkyňa riaditeľky školy pre technické odbory a školský internát:
        Mgr. Eva Červenáková, mail: eva.cervenakova@sostasbr.sk, mobil: 0908 697 708
      • Zástupkyňa riaditeľky školy pre odbory služieb: PaedDr. Monika Ďurajdová, mail: monika.durajdova@sostasbr.sk, mobil: 0905 621 922
      • Výchovná poradkyňa: Mgr. Eva Auxtová, mail: eva.auxtova@sostasbr.sk, mobil:
      • Email na správcu obsahu: vaclav.gajdosik@sostasbr.sk